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Thriller and crime book susbcriptions
Thriller and Crime Book Subscription
Our Thrillers and Crime book subscriptions are real page turners guaranteed to keep you up at night.
With crime books ranging from popular authors such as Harlen Coben and Dean Kootz as well as mystery thrillers from gripping authors like Liane Moriarty and Harriet Tyce.
Perfect for thrill seekers who enjoy working out whodunnit.
All the books included in our subscription boxes are new books that have been saved from landfill. This means you get new books but without the detrimental environmental impact. All the books have been handpicked by our team to ensure they are the best reads, as well as checked to ensure they are highly rated.
Don’t forget you can swap the genre of your book subscription by logging in to your account. Make sure you make changes before the 1st of the month so they will be implemented in that months book box!